The art project I did this week with my 1st -6th grade art students at Providence Hall was so amazing! I've been wanting to do a monarch butterfly art study since the monarchs have begun their long migration south, and this project I discovered online seemed really interesting. I gave the kids a folded piece of watercolor paper and asked them to draw half of a monarch butterfly with a pencil. I showed them pictures of monarchs and placed emphasis on their black lined patterns on their wings. I was amazed at how all the kids, even those who have some difficulty with drawing, were able to draw butterfly wings, each one very different. Before class I mixed black tempera paint in half filled Elmer's glue bottles. The kids squeezed out the glue along their pencil lines on half the paper. Then they folded the blank side of the paper over and pressed lightly against glue. You would not believe the squeals of delight, mostly from me, when we opened the paper!
Monarch Butterflies before the orange paint was added.
We had to allow these gorgeous butterflies to dry for several hours, so our next class we added the orange and yellow paint to the white areas. I love the black and white butterflies before the paint, but seeing how the children painted their butterflies uniquely with the orange and yellow was equally appealing! We had our butterflies finished just in time for our local art show! They have created quite an impact!
Monarch Butterflies on display for First Friday Art Walk in Fredericksburg at Ranch Road Roasters - 338 West Main St
I loved talking to the kids about how each one of these butterflies is so different, but each one is also so beautiful....JUST LIKE US! I also had the kids repeat after me "I am an amazing artist!" I know they must think their art teacher is weird, but I don't care! I LOVE creating with them and witnessing their confidence build when they make something beautiful using their minds and hearts. Watching the look on their faces when they walked into the art show and saw their butterfly framed was priceless!