It's Time to Fly!

For most of my life I believed I had to achieve the goals I had set for myself and believed others expected of me in order to deem myself worthy of freedom, joy and acceptance.  As I focused on the mile markers of the map I had fabricated, life sped by outside the glass box in which I had placed myself.  Finally a friend could clearly see the key to release me from my self imposed prison.  She had me repeat these words out loud over and over....

"It's okay to be me!"

At first I resisted because I had not felt it was okay to be me in a very long time.  But then I remembered the little girl inside who was waiting for my acceptance.  Only then did I say the words with determination, believing them in my heart....


And in that moment, as I trembled with gratitude, I discovered my wings had been there all along.....waiting.