Sometimes I get discouraged and scared as I travel along the path God has chosen for me. Because it is a path no one before me has traveled, it feels at times very uncertain and scary. When I find myself focusing on the shadows that loom, and not the light ahead, I get very discouraged and find it difficult to continue forward. When I become aware of my fear, it seems there is always something that reminds me to stay the course. Many times it comes as a message from a child in my life. Just the other day as I was pondering and worrying about where my path was leading I came across this poem that my son Gabe wrote for me when he was 8 years old. He calls it a "word poem" because the beginning letter of each line spells a word.
A very
Narrow pathway but
Glorious angels I see.
I love the birds chirping in the trees.
Exciting pathway I am on.
Petar Paunchev/Shutterstock
When Gabe gave me this poem, I knew it was a message from God. My prayer today for all of us is that we have the courage to focus on light and the sounds of the chirping birds in the trees and the angels before us. It takes great focus, determination and trust to walk the narrow way chosen for us. As I sat and became encouraged by Gabe's words I as was reminded of this excerpt from The Butterfly Knight....
"As I pay attention to where the light shines, it awakens my internal instinct, and the parts where there is darkness whither and fade. The more I move toward the light, the more joy I feel as I move out from beneath the shadow...."
May the light of joy flood your path and give you the clarity and the faith you need to take another step. May it be so for all of us.