People are always saying things to me like....
When did you have time to write a book?
There's no way I could have survived what your family has been through!
You are a very strong woman!
The truth is I do not feel strong at all and there is no way I could do what I do and survive what we have been through if it had not been for our "village". One of the messages that I hope rings true in my book, The Butterfly Knight, is the fact that we were meant to live in community with others, and that God does not intend for us to do this alone.
I tried to "do this alone" for a very long time because I felt so responsible and thought it was my job to do so. But I soon succumbed under the weight of the armor I thought I was supposed to wear. When I finally threw down the white flag an amazing thing happened....
My eyes were opened to all the people in my midst waiting to invite our family into their village. It was here I discovered the African proverb "It takes a village to raise a child" is true.
"It Takes a Village..." will be a monthly blog series in which I feature in gratitude once a month a member of our village.
This month I want to introduce you to SHERRY WILLIAMS.
Sherry and Will 2013
Sherry entered our life 4 years ago at just the right time! Will was 5 and Gabe was 6. I knew the boys wanted to fill their days with play and joy filled experiences, but I was so shell shocked from all the medical trauma we had experienced, it was hard for me to relax. I was afraid all the time that something bad was going to happen. Sherry was just what the doctor ordered. She would show up at our house several days per week with a bubbly spirit, a basket full of activities and enough joy to chase away the shadow of gloom we were living beneath. She was our version of Mary Poppins.
Sherry and Gabe 2011
Sherry would call the boys "manlets" and when I would return home from work on a "Sherry Day" the table would be covered with art, the yard would have at least one "fort", and the wide eyed smiles on the boys faces as they shared stories of their "adventures" made my heart sing and sigh with relief.
Art activity with Sherry.
As Sherry created art with the boys she would share stories of her childhood in the woods of North Carolina. She talked to them about the importance of family, respect, nature, and the fact that "growing up" doesn't have to mean you can't have fun. In fact she often told them "I'm a kid stuck in a grown up suit!"
Magical art collage made by Sherry for the boys.
Having Sherry in our home gave the boys opportunities to do some of the things I wanted to do with them but didn't have the time because I was too busy worrying about keeping everyone well.
Lemonade stand with Sherry 2012
I know without a doubt our family has survived because we have been blessed with people like Sherry in our lives. If it wasn't for Sherry, our boys would not have had the joy filled experiences they so desperately needed to balance out all the painful and fear filled experiences that had begun to steal their childhood away.
I am so grateful that Sherry allowed the little girl she once was....
to come out and play with our boys! Thank you Sherry for your wisdom and your commitment to helping our family see the truth.....
This moment is what we have....why not choose joy instead of fear?
You can discover Sherry's beautiful art and photography at
My prayer is that this blog post will help you open your eyes to the village that is in your midst and waiting for you.