A Heavenly Message

I LOVE this picture of my nephew Brad who passed away 6 months ago in a car accident.

 It has been on our refrigerator for the last 6 months and will remain there. Joe, the boys and I love to look at it and remember our times with Brad, and honor him. When I look at Brad's picture, I hear these words, "Love what you do, do what you love." Brad lived by this motto, and truly loved what he did at work and play. I am striving for that now, at age 45, in part because of Brad. I have recently decided to embrace the artist in me and have begun painting inspirational pieces....mostly birds and butterflies and things in nature that inspire me to embrace my uniqueness and search for joy.

I was working on a series of black butterflies yesterday when I started thinking that I wanted to paint a picture for Kim and Terry, Brad's parents, in honor of Brad. I called Kim and left a message about my idea.  In my message, I told Kim I wanted to paint her and Terry a picture that reminded them of Brad and asked if there was anything they saw in nature that made them think of Brad or feel was bringing them a message from Brad.  Last night I got home late from a meeting and noticed I had a message from Kim... I played it and praised God and smiled when I heard her words ....

"There's a black butterfly that has been following Terry and I around since Brad died."


I do not doubt for a minute that Brad is not still here among us! He continues to connect us all no matter the distance and I love him more and more! I am so grateful for the signs and the proof that he is checking on us:))  Have you received messages and signs like this in your life?  I hope so!  Look for them and expect them.  And when you see them, share them with others.  It brings so much hope to hear these stories.  Sometimes we feel so alone.....so isolated in our pain and grief, it's easy to forget that we are not alone at all.  

I will close this post with the words my young son Gabe shared with me a few years ago....

"Mom, there are angels all around us.  Heaven is not up in the sky.  It is right here."